Requirements Demanded by the Supreme Court for the Configuration of a Pre-existing Disease


  • Gonzalo Carrasco Astudillo Ejército de Chile



disease, pre-existence, good faith, protective action


Judgment role 20,462-2019, that motivates this comment, systematizes the requirements demanded by the Supreme Court to determine the configuration of a pre-existing disease, requirements that our jurisprudence has been consolidating over time. Likewise, pre-existence is analyzed from the perspective of good faith and its deployment in honest and loyal conduct duties.


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Author Biography

Gonzalo Carrasco Astudillo, Ejército de Chile

Gonzalo Carrasco Astudillo is a lawyer, PhD student in Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Master in Law (LL.M UC) and Diploma in New Trends in Contracts and Damages. He is the author of Adquisición, administración y venta de bienes fiscales (Santiago: Rubicon, 2019) and El régimen compensatorio por suspensión del suministro eléctrico (Santiago: Rubicon, 2020). He is currently a Captain (J) of the Chilean Army.



How to Cite

Carrasco Astudillo, G. (2021). Requirements Demanded by the Supreme Court for the Configuration of a Pre-existing Disease. Revista De Derecho Aplicado LLM UC (LLM UC Practical Law Journal), (8).