'Aesthetic Attention': Exploring the Possibilities of Interaction Design to Reduce Revictimization

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Irma Hernández López


Revictimization is a recurring phenomenon in Mexico. Paradoxically, it has its origin in the attention that victims receive in justice institutions. Since the main contributions to the attention and care of victims come from psychology and legal sciences (criminology, law, victimology), this article proposes a joint work between these disciplines and design. Based on ideas posed by Garzón (2017), specifically those that refer to the link between the aesthetic object and matter, time, and space, the article introduces a theoretical-exploratory approach to design an 'aesthetic attention'. User experience and aesthetic interaction as fundamental axes of attention support the main assumption that aesthetics is humanization and dialectical interaction between the components and actors that structure the experience. To provide an aesthetic attention to the victims, the design process requires the integration of the victim's experience as its core. This requires us to stop thinking that attention is based on the mere application of standardized protocols, laws, and regulations that ignore the conditions of time and place, as well as the way in which victims reach the institutions that provide these services. Aesthetic attention seeks a change of perspective: the victim does not receive attention but participates in it.


Article Details

How to Cite
Hernández López, I. (2019). ’Aesthetic Attention’: Exploring the Possibilities of Interaction Design to Reduce Revictimization. Diseña, (15), 140–161. https://doi.org/10.7764/disena.15.140-161
Original Articles (part 1)
Author Biography

Irma Hernández López, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez

Bachelor of Psychology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Master in Criminalistics, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales. Fellow of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) of the Doctoral Program in Social Sciences at the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, researching in Government and Public Policies. Her research focuses on the relationship between victims, institutions, human rights and gender perspective. Her latest publications include: 'El dolor de ser víctima: ¿un detonante para la acción colectiva?' (Revista Especializada en la Investigación Jurídica, N° 5) and 'La inserción de la disciplina del diseño en el reto de la victimización' (with J. C. Ortiz Nicolás, Academia XXII, Vol. 10, N° 19).