Editorial: Repairing Design: Damage, Care, and Fragilities
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Installed in a climate crisis derived from what has been named the Anthropocene, it is urgent to review the role that design has played, in complicity with the industry and the market, in this eco-social damage at a planetary scale. For this purpose, we propose to take repair as a heuristic from which to interrogate the practice of design and its products. The reason is that the position that repair occupies―having to confront and respond to the failures and ruptures derived from design decisions―constitutes a privileged point of view from which to question and revise material and disciplinary limits: the what, who, how, when, where, why, or for what of design practices. Some fundamental questions that run through these two volumes (#23 and #24) are: How could repair be an ally of design? Or, how can a “reparative design” avoid or minimize eco-social damages?
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