“Intelligent Public Administration in Argentina: the State of Aff airs” TIC

Main Article Content

Juan Gustavo Corvalán


The purpose of this article is to display Argentina’s of Information and Communication Technologies - by its acronym “ICTs” - state of affairs and its reception by the National Public Administration. On the first part, the international context is described in order to highlight
how Argentina receives soft law standards, particularly from the United Nations Organization and the Organization of American States. Thereafter, a regulatory overview of ICTs is provided, and a feature of how Argentina is moving towards “digital governance”. Finally, the challenges of transforming Public Administration generated by the impact of articial intelligence are highlighted.

Article Details

Doctrina: Estudios e Investigaciones
Author Biography

Juan Gustavo Corvalán

Abogado (UBA) y Doctor en Ciencias Jurídicas (USAL). Profesor Adjunto (UBA). Fiscal
General Adjunto en lo Contencioso Administrativo y Tributario en el Ministerio Público Fiscal
de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Correo electrónico: juancorvalan@derecho.uba.ar