Dominant ecological paradigm expressed through the concept of sustainability in Spanish-speaking digital rhetoric



Palabras clave:

Sostenibilidad, Desarrollo sostenible, Paradigma ecológico, Ecocentrismo, Antropocentrismo, Naturaleza, Medio ambiente


The attitudes and behaviors of people toward nature have evolved throughout modern history. For a long time, the dominant paradigm was that of human beings as technocrats, leaders, and administrators of nature (anthropocentric paradigm). The discussion then begins about a new ecological paradigm, in which nature ceases to have only an instrumental value and obtains an intrinsic value (ecocentric paradigm). In recent years, scholars have postulated a reconciliation of both extremes with the creation of the concept of sustainable development. The objective of this qualitative research is to explore the extent to which this reconciliation is discernible in Spanish-speaking digital rhetoric by analyzing scientific articles, web pages, images, videos, and tweets. This study provides a starting point to monitor this type of controversy inside digital conversations and the importance of the topics, actors, and references related to this and other relevant trends. The results demonstrate that the dominant paradigm in digital content, that is, related to the theme of sustainability, is the ecocentric paradigm. The study concludes that this apparent reconciliation toward the ecocentric could be more of a product of a systematic greenwashing than that of a true sustainable practice.


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Biografía del autor/a

Nalleli Salazar-Chapa, Tecnológico de Monterrey (México)

Industrial Design major, UANL Faculty of Architecture. Master of Sciences with Orientation in Cognition and Education, Faculty of Psychology, UANL, and Ph.D. in Humanistic Studies from the Tecnológico de Monterrey. She has worked as teaching coordinator and professor at CEDIM, EGADE, and ESADI. Some publications include La Relación Ser Humano - Naturaleza: Sus efectos en el estudiante universitario (The Human Being - Nature Relationship: Its effects on the university student) (Editorial Académica Española), Knowledge for the Anthropocene, a Multidsciplinary Approach (EE Publishing), and Una mirada digital a la controversia del fracking en México (A digital look at the fracking controversy in Mexico), in Revista Espacios.

Gabriel Valerio-Ureña, Tecnológico de Monterrey (México)

Ph.D. in Educational Innovation with studies in Computer Systems and a master degree in Information Technology Management. Director of the doctoral program in Educational Innovation at the Tecnológico de Monterrey. He is a member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico. He has published several scientific articles on the use of digital environments to satisfy human needs.

Juan Milton Jair Aragón Palacios, Colegio de Sonora (México)

Researcher at the Center for Transboundary Studies of El Colegio de Sonora. Forest engineer and Ph.D. in Architecture and Urban Planning (Summa Cum Laude) from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (Mexico). Level 2 of the CONAHCYT National System of Researchers. Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.


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Cómo citar

Salazar-Chapa, N., Valerio-Ureña, G., & Aragón Palacios, J. M. J. (2024). Dominant ecological paradigm expressed through the concept of sustainability in Spanish-speaking digital rhetoric. Cuadernos.Info, (58), 319–339.