The impact of using social media to obtain political information on presidential approval
The case of Chile, 2011-2021
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Uso de redes sociales, Información política, Identificación ideológica, ChileResumen
We assess the impact of using social media to acquire political information on presidential approval. Building on the abundant literature that associates social media use with the reinforcement of views among people, we postulate a hypothesis that associate the use of social media to acquire political information with more extreme positions on presidential approval. We test the hypotheses using data from 9 national polls conducted in Chile between 2011 and 2021, a high-middle income country with widespread access to the internet and a budding use of social media. We find that acquiring political information on Facebook and Twitter is positively associated with lower presidential approval. This is especially strong in the case of right-wingers when there is a rightwing president.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Jorge Diego Belmar Soto, Vicente Faúndez Caicedo, Patricio Navia

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