Thinking-for-translating: Mannerof- motion in a parallel corpus of Henning Mankell’s crime novels


  • Teresa Molés-Cases Departament de Lingü.stica Aplicada , Escola Politècnica Superior de Gandia, Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Joel Olofsson Division of Educational Science and Languages, University West


Palabras clave:

Thinking-for-translating, Manner-of-motion, translation techniques, Swedish> Spanish translation, crime novel


This paper analyzes the translation of Manner-of-motion in a Swedish>Spanish parallel corpus of crime novels by Henning Mankell (and more specifically, a selection of the Wallander series). Since Swedish is a satellite-framed language, while Spanish is a verb-framed language, the aim of the research is to identify translation techniques adapted to the issue of translating Manner-of-motion in an intertypological translation scenario. The results of this study are compared with previous research on the topic, which has focused mainly on general prose fiction and fiction for children and young adults. Our findings confirm that Manner-of-motion is omitted to a great extent in the Spanish translations, compared with the original texts in Swedish. Moreover, some differences are encountered in the translation of original fragments, including general and specific Manner-of-motion verbs.




Cómo citar

Molés-Cases, T., & Olofsson, J. (2024). Thinking-for-translating: Mannerof- motion in a parallel corpus of Henning Mankell’s crime novels. Onomázein, (63), 86–109.




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