La gran convención del Partido Liberal Democrático en 1893. Un hito en la reorganización del balmacedismo después de la guerra civil chilena de 1891
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The current article deals with the first Great Convention of the Liberal Democratic Party after the 1891 Chilean Civil War. In the conflict had fought the partisans of the presidential regime against the defenders of the parliamentary one, which finally was imposed with the triumph “on the battle-fields”. Thus, the Liberal Democratic Party was structured from the reunion of the defeated, officially during in the Great Convention held in Talca in November 1893. Among the important decisions adopted in the meeting were to be the followers of President Balmaceda’s ideals and the defense of presidentialism, but participating within the parliamentary system, even against their constitutional convictions, leaving behind the most extremes points of view. As a consequence were stated the foundations of national reconciliation, to which Chile would arrive few years later.
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