Las relaciones germano-chilenas, 1918-1933
Before the First World War, Chile was one of the centers of interest of Germán informal imperialism in Latin America. In addition, Germany had continuosly gained in ¡mportance for the Chilean nitrate industry. What happened to the alleged special relationship between the "Prussians of South America" and the Germans after the defeat of the empire? Based on primary sources from numerous archives this article is the first comprehensive analysis of German-Chilean relations in a crucial period of transition. It is not only a study of the economic and diplomatic spheres but also covers cultural, press, and military relations. Methodologically, it leaves the traditionally state-centered research on foreign policy by using the approach of transnational relations. Hence, it becomes clear that German-Chilean relations were shaped by transnational actors like enterprises, associations of Germans living in Chile, military advisors, etc. They interacted inofficially but influenced official relations between the two countries decisively.
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