Corrosion degradation of a pier on the mexican pacific


  • Angélica Del Valle Instituto Mexicano del Transporte (México)
  • Andrés Torres Instituto Mexicano del Transporte (México)
  • Manuel Fabela Instituto Mexicano del Transporte (México)
  • Miguel Martínez Instituto Mexicano del Transporte (México)


Piers, concrete, corrosion, inspection, rehabilitation, marine exposure


The Manzanillo Pier in the State of Colima was evaluated for the structural integrity and corrosion damage. A series of chemical, mechanical, electrochemical and load tests performed. to the three sectors that constitute the Pier. The B Sector showed the better durability, followed by the C Sector that showed little evidence of damage. The reinforcement of the substructure of the A Sector exhibited discontinuities and high levels of deformation to tension, representing a critical condition. A quay wall harbor with backfill of the whole area was recommended to restore the structural tensile resistance of the substructure of the A Sector, as well as the rehabilitation of the concrete and rebars of all damaged piles, in order to recover the load capacity and restore the structural integrity of the Pier. The rehabilitation project of Sectors B and C, considered the repair of 20% of the piles by replacing the rebars and restoring the concrete section. On other 48% of the piles only the restoring the concrete section was required.


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Author Biography

Angélica Del Valle, Instituto Mexicano del Transporte (México)

Instituto Mexicano del Transporte, Querétano, MÉXICO 



How to Cite

Del Valle, A., Torres, A., Fabela, M., & Martínez, M. (2006). Corrosion degradation of a pier on the mexican pacific. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 21(3), 193–204. Retrieved from



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