Physical and mechanical characterization of cement-stabilized compressed earth bricks




Soil, cement, bricks, compressive strength and flexural strength


Soil is the basic material for the manufacture of compressed earth bricks, working the soil without any type of stabilization the physical and mechanical properties are minimal. This research aims to evaluate the physical and mechanical characteristics of compressed earth bricks stabilized with different dosages 5, 8, 12, 12, 15 and 18 % of cement, the tests that were performed were: absorption, compressive strength and flexural strength per unit of masonry, compressive strength of piles, diagonal compressive strength of walls and the X-ray diffraction test of the bricks; the results obtained from the different tests determine that with 18% cement the optimum strengths are obtained, the samples subjected to the absorption test have a 12. 63%, as for their compressive strength increased by 53. 95%, flexural strength in 43%, resistance to compression of piles in 36.6%, diagonal compression strength of walls in 41.24%, taking as a reference base the standard sample of 0% cement, in the X-ray diffraction test of the compressed brick stabilized with 18% cement where predominates the 32. 4% of calcium silicate, 23.8% of aluminum silicate, 17.4 % of hydrated calcium, 14.2 % of illite, 6.86 % of calcium oxide, 3.34 % of quartz, 1.2 % of kaolinite and goethite 0.8 % ; it is concluded that the bricks of compressed earth stabilized with cement (BCESC) is a sustainable construction alternative that improves the mechanical properties of the soil


Author Biographies

Sócrates Pedro Muñoz Pérez , Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza – Chachapoyas (Perú)

Civil Engineer graduated from the Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo Lambayeque in 2006, with 11 years of experience in execution of civil works and production of pre-fabricated and prestressed and 13 years of collegiate, with a Master's degree in Earth Sciences with Mention in Geotechnics graduated from the Universidad Nacional de San Agustin Arequipa, with a Diploma in Applied Geology Specialization in Mining by the Mining Chamber of Peru. My main values are loyalty, responsibility, companionship, punctuality and the desire to improve. Former undergraduate professor in the courses of Soil Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Geology at the Universidad Catolica San Pablo, Universidad Nestor Caceres Velasquez, Universidad Alas Peruanas, Former Postgraduate Professor at the Universidad Nestor Caceres Velasquez in the course of Soil and Rock Mechanics, Professor at the Universidad Señor de Sipan

Luigi Italo Villena Zapata, Universidad Cesar Vallejo (Perú)

I have the following capabilities: Ability to lead and integrate to interdisciplinary work in areas such as engineering, health sciences, agricultural, livestock, economic and social. Ability to develop statistical advisory and consulting work. Information management, with the objective of generating relevant results for decision making under uncertainty conditions. Special emphasis in the attitudinal aspects, related to the integral professional formation, which allows me to face labor problems with the moral and ethical principles of a discipline that implies the collection and analysis of information that is often reserved

Victor Manuel Tepe Atoche, Universidad Señor de Sipan (Perú)

Technical professional in Civil Construction and Civil Engineering, Master in University Teaching, Doctor in Education, Doctor in Public Management and Governance, with concluded studies in Hydraulic Engineering, teacher in schools of Civil Engineering, in the courses of Reinforced Concrete I and II, Design of Hydraulic Works, Pavements, Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Methodology of Scientific Research, Resident and supervisor of Works




How to Cite

Muñoz Pérez , S. P., Rojas Molina, M. R. ., Villena Zapata, L. I. ., Tepe Atoche, V. M. ., García, J., & Alvarez, J. . (2024). Physical and mechanical characterization of cement-stabilized compressed earth bricks. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 39(1), 85–95.



Original Research