Ecuadorian asphalt aging in laboratory and field.

Relationships and analysis




asphalt, aging, cumulated degree-days, rheological parameters, damage


The aging of asphalt binders has a great impact on the behavior of pavement. The specifications for performance grade include tests on short-term (RTFOT) and long-term (PAV) aged residues. However, aging is greater at the top of wearing course than deeper zones, long-term tests do not correlate accurately with field aging and in the latter, the incidence of local temperature is not considered accurately. The objective is to relate the aging of Ecuadorian asphalt at the laboratory level, applying different conditioning times in the PAV, with the field aging from asphalts recovered from the top of pavements surface in selected roads of the Andean and Coastal regions, with different construction times and cumulated degree-days (CDD), using certain rheological parameters. As a result, in the Ecuadorian asphalt, the RTFOT residue is equivalent to field aging of 1.1 years in the Coastal region and 1.7 years in the Andean region. On the other hand, the usual PAV of 20 hours corresponds to field aging of 5.8 years for the Coastal region and 9.3 years for the Andean region. The progressive evolution of damage to our roads, without considering traffic, corresponds to conditioning times in the PAV between 13.0 and 26.6 hours.


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Author Biographies

Rolando Vila Romaní, Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil (Ecuador)

Profesor - Investigador

Director del Laboratorio de Carreteras

Ingeniero Civil. Doctor.

Walter Antonio Mera Intriago, Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil

Civil engineer. Research professor at the Highway Laboratory of the Catholic University of
Santiago de Guayaquil. He is currently carrying out doctoral studies at the University of
Granada in Spain.

Lorena García Cucalón, Kraton Polymers

Civil engineering. Graduated from the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil. She
completed master's and doctoral studies at the Texas A&M University. She has several
important publications about asphalt materials.




How to Cite

Vila Romaní, R. ., Mera Intriago, W. A., & García Cucalón, L. . (2024). Ecuadorian asphalt aging in laboratory and field.: Relationships and analysis. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 39(1), 51–62.



Original Research