On Design and Making with STS

Main Article Content

Hannah M. Varga


This is an attempt to explore the intersection between design practices and science and technology studies (STS) beyond the classroom by taking three different case studies as starting points. The article provides an overview of the central cases known as ‘design things’, ‘speculative research’ and ‘critical making’ and tries to highlight connections and differences between their engagement with STS. Thus, special attention will be paid to the concepts of ‘subpolitics’, Dingpolitik and ‘cosmopolitics’ and how these concepts seem to be relevant in reconfiguring design politics and practices. At the end, the question of how to rethink or re-learn design practices with STS will be addressed.


Article Details

How to Cite
Varga, H. M. (2018). On Design and Making with STS. Diseña, (12), 30–51. https://doi.org/10.7764/disena.12.30-51
Original Articles (part 1)
Author Biography

Hannah M. Varga, Technical University of Munich

B.A. in Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna. M.A. in Material Culture/Design Anthropology, University College London. Researcher and PhD candidate at the Munich Center for Technology in Society and at the Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Munich. Her PhD research focuses on science and technology studies in architecture and design. Her research priorities include experiential design practices and politics, DIY and counter culture movements.