History of Design, Techniques, and Technology

Main Article Content

Pedro Álvarez Caselli
Hugo Palmarola
Nicole Cristi


This edition focuses on the histories of design, techniques, and technology. The scholarly work that links them has generated a growing number of research and publications, revealing the diversity and richness offered by this interdisciplinary intersection. This issue gathers an entanglement on the historical, cultural, and technical conditions of objects, images, and infrastructures, integrating diverse perspectives from design, as well as from the history of technology, engineering, STS (science and technology studies), material culture studies, and gender studies. In many cases, these perspectives are overlapped and combined loosely and unorthodoxly by analyzes of and through design.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Caselli, P., Palmarola, H., & Cristi, N. (2021). History of Design, Techniques, and Technology. Diseña, (18), Intro. https://doi.org/10.7764/disena.18.Intro
Original Research Articles Introduction


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