Design In and From the Periphery: Building a Praxis of Resistance through Collective Investigations

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Sâmia Batista e Silva


This article presents notes resulting from qualitative research with a participatory approach, carried out in person and remotely with a group of young people from the Terra Firme neighborhood, in Belém-Pará, northern Brazil. The aim was to analyze how the engagement of designers in emancipation processes managed by socially oppressed groups can promote transformations in the practices of designers in participatory projects. The theoretical foundation is based on the Latin American critical thinking of authors such as Paulo Freire and Orlando Fals Borda, demonstrating how their legacy influenced designers in participatory projects. The theoretical framework and qualitative research allowed us to consider that the engagement of designers in popular struggles not only influences the change in the scope of projects, but also allows solidarity to emerge as their main element.



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Silva, S. B. e. (2023). Design In and From the Periphery: Building a Praxis of Resistance through Collective Investigations. Diseña, (22), Article.3.
Original articles
Author Biography

Sâmia Batista e Silva, Universidade Federal do Pará

Ph.D. in Design, State University of Rio de Janeiro. She has an undergraduate degree in Social Communication and a master’s degree in Communication, Languages, and Culture from the University of Amazonia. She is a specialist in Design from the University of Fine Arts of São Paulo and a professor at the School of Visual Arts at the Federal University of Pará. Through the generation of participatory design spaces, she seeks to discuss the concepts of narrative and projectual sovereignty from the perspective of decoloniality and popular education. She is a co-author of ‘Weaving Design as a Practice of Freedom: Critical Pedagogy in an Insurgent Network’ (with B. Serpa, F. van Amstel, M. Mazzarotto, R. Carvalho, R. Gonzatto, and Y. Menezes; in DRS2022 Proceedings).


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