Spaces of art and the haunting of an end Transitivity, porosity and disappearance

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Rosa Maria Droguett Abarca


When facing the question about the exhaustion or the end of art in postmodernity, and the increasing dynamism and porosity of its spaces, we propose the idea of phenomena “in transit”, where the finitude would be the reflection of a crisis, but also the input for a new aesthetic and museological statute. Its basis would be in the existence of a kind of art and a aesthetics of topological nature characterized by displacement—as proposed by Nicolas Bourriaud—and the museum as a catastrophe or ruin—as proposed by Victor Stoichita and Jean-Louis Deotte. These speculative frameworks are tested against two projects that bring forward the coming and going between the material and the immaterial mediated by language, as well as the literal roaming of projects. 


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Rosa Maria Droguett Abarca

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile