The Perversion of the Privacy: Violence and Incest in Malas Juntas, Óxido de Carmen and Los Vigilantes

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Nicolás Román


Pending the dictatorship the deployment of irrationality and violence, in different ways, impact the construction of the intimacy of the inhabitant of Chile. The systematic development of persecution and execution of the dissidents attempted against the sociability, generating opacity in the social relationship and desire. In different stories, it will search the pervert elements that construct that subjectivity, wich had been transformed the intimacy in twisted devices of private life. From Jose Leandro Urbina, Ana María del Río and Diamela Eltit: this analysis will make a link between corruption of the kinship with the distortion of the conception of the house like a refuge.


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Nicolás Román

Centro de Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos (CECLA), U. de Chile