Towards the Representation of an Epic-Queer City: Diego Ramírez Gajardo

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Francisco Simón


The following article aims to install the work El baile de los niños, by Chilean poet Diego Ramírez Gajardo, into the context of a homosexual enunciation preceded at least since the seventies. Thus, I will think about two vocal registers that, fused, will develop a metaphor where dance will reveal the impostures of a national culture placed in the urban space. The fi rst register refers to the intertextual relation with Pablo Neruda’s Canto General; the second, symbolizes the transvestite constitution of the poetic voice. Then, the conjugation of both discourses will shape a queer epic, that is, a type of discursive intersection marked by a bidirectional fl ow between the sublimation and the degradation of the represented world; an appropriation of the national history by the sexual dissidence.


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Author Biography

Francisco Simón, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile / Becario CONICYT