Cosmoaesthetics of the Outside. Posthuman Foreignness in two Works by Claudia Fontes

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Paula Fleisner


This article aims to contribute to the elaboration of a posthuman materialist cosmo-aesthetics. Such a cosmoaesthetics would allow, on the one hand, to think about the agency inherent to the matter involved in works of art outside artist/form – material/formed logic; and on the other, would permit to experiment with non-anthropocentric options for imagination and perception. The general guidelines of this proposal are presented from a relationship with the concept of “cosmopolitical proposal” and it’s evaluated the specific provision of art in the current context of the collapse of the space-time scales. Finally, it presents an analysis of the Argentine artist Claudia Fontes’ series of small statuettes Foreigners and the Proposal for the High Line Plinth (which involved the production of the same type of figures but 6 meters high), from a relational ontological perspective and to think the political dimension involved in the more-than-human diplomacy that they propose.


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