On the Other Side of the Wall. Phonographies and Cartographies of the Aurality of the Port of La Plata

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Pablo Elinbaum


The concept of "aurality" focuses on the material and symbolic properties of space perceived through listening, providing a fertile perspective for understanding the urban environment. This approach challenges the conventional dichotomy between visual and acoustic space by positioning itself at a complex intersection of both domains, implying a critical revision of traditional spatial conceptions. On one hand, it exposes the power relations inherent in visuocentrism as reflected in state maps; on the other hand, it highlights the disruptive and non-Euclidean nature of acoustic space. From this perspective, there is a proposal to explore the interrelation between acoustic and visual space, conceptualizing the aural qualities of places as a relational and bicultural aesthetic capable of enriching the description of urban space. To achieve this objective, techniques such as soundwalks, phonography, and reflexive cartography will be utilized through an exploratory investigation focused on the port of La Plata. 

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