«Museification» of the political community in Boris Groys: Iconoclasm, aesthetic technology of care and critique of neoliberalism
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Groys' aesthetic thought encourages the approach of the critique of neoliberalism from a point of view that is alien to the modern question of the subject. As opposed to the hegemony of the neoliberal subject identified with the entrepreneur of the self from a Foucauldian perspective, Groys shows that the iconoclasm followed by avant-garde art and museums offers an alternative: the conception of the individual as a "work of art", that is to say, as a dysfunctionalised "object", valuable in itself or independent of their job and social function. This alternative is completed with the retrieval of the main proposal of cosmist thought: the transformation of museum technology into biopolitics so that the individual of our time becomes an object of permanent care. Finally, the power and limits of the aesthetic-political metaphor of "museification" is analysed in order to think of an effective democratic alternative to neoliberalism.
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