Optical Unconscious: Declassification, Image and Conspiracy. Anaconda Copper Mining Company (1970) and Map of Chile (Anaconda) (1975)

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Cristián Gómez Moya


This article will develop the problem of the image as a key to reading on the conspiracy against the nationalization of Chilean copper at the beginning of the seventies. By exploring the concept of damaged or degraded images that have been displaced from the line of historical continuity of the Popular Unity, two visual records will be analyzed: the declassification of documents related to the interests of the North American company Anaconda Copper Mining Company in 1970, and the records of the work Map of Chile (Anaconda) by the Chilean artist, Juan Downey, at the Center for Inter-American Relations (CIAR) in New York in 1975. Thus, through this encounter between image, art and politics, a discussion on the optical and political unconscious will take place, as part of a critical thought on the images of the Popular Unity.


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Author Biography

Cristián Gómez Moya, Universidad de Chile


Dirección de Investigación y Creación

Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Universidad de Chile



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