Trans*temporal Irruptions (50 Years after the Coup d’état)

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Fernanda Carvajal


This article addresses some milestones in the biographical trajectory of Marcia Alejandra, a transsexual woman who began her medicalized process of «sex change» during the Popular Unity and managed to have her identity legally recognized in 1974, already in dictatorship, when her transition came to public light marked by the historical boundary of the coup d'état in Chile. In the first part of the text, I present the main theoretical framework of the analysis, starting from the notions of cistemporality and trans*temporality, as well as the concept of trans*historicities, to problematize the relationship between transvestite/trans* people and the Chilean State in the context of the 1973 coup d'état. In the second part, I approach Marcia Alejandra's story through the press of the period, to show how in these documents her story appears narrated in a cistemporal perspective. In contrast, in the third part, I go into interviews and informal archives to refocus her biography from a trans*temporal approach. I am interested in exploring what becomes (un)intelligible from these two temporal matrices, to think about what happens when we put in contact the transvestite/trans* and historicity, 50 years after the coup d'état.


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