Cinematographic Portraits of Salvador Allende: Tensions between Times, Voices, and Images

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Mariano Véliz


The article explores three documentary films about Salvador Allende from the point of view of the portrait genre: Compañero presidente (Miguel Littin, 1971), Salvador Allende (Patricio Guzmán, 2004) y Allende, mi abuelo Allende (Marcia Tambutti Allende, 2015). In each one of them, the study of the way in which the films are inscribed in the vast tradition of this genre is privileged, resorting to theoretical texts dedicated to investigate the history and contemporary inflections of the portrait. At the same time, it seeks to problematize the political relevance of the portraits of Allende from the different production contexts and the aesthetic and political choices present in each case. As a result of these divergences, a series of notions are proposed: the «intervention portrait» to think the particularities of Littin’s film, the «funeral portrait» to evaluate Guzmán’s documentary and the «private-public portrait» to think the most conflictive dimensions of Tambutti Allende’s audiovisual work.


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