Figural Writing. An Erotic of the Image and the Word in Mudanza, by Verónica Gerber

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Paz López


Mudanza (2010) is the first book by Verónica Gerber (1981), a book where the author narrates the migration that five artists made from literature to art. In this book we can find a kind of program of the ways in which the author has thought about the transfers between writing and visuality throughout all her work. In Mudanza, the texts open a zone of interval, of indetermination, a kind of no man's land in the heart of the word and the image, as if the writers turned artists sacrificed the results of that  moving-out in order to explore everything that happens in that change of location. Gerber writes with that same ambiguity, composing texts halfway between literature, essay, autobiography, and visual writing. This article investigates the question of what happens when images and words leave themselves, outlining what we could call a figural writing that makes the interval the place of a potency that works against the stereotype and the univocal meaning.

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Author Biography

Paz López, Universidad de Chile

Académica del Departamento de Teoría de las Artes de la Universidad de Chile. Doctora en Filosofía con mención en estética y teoría del arte (Universidad de Chile);  Magíster en Teoría e Historia del Arte (Universidad de Chile). Ha publicado Velar la imagen. Figuras de las pietà en el arte chileno (Mundana, 2021) y La vida, una imagen que nos falta (Cuadro de Tiza, 2020), además de diversos ensayos en revistas impresas y digitales. Actualmente es investigadora postdoctoral con un proyecto FONDECYT  sobre los vínculos entre arte y literatura en Latinoamérica.



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