Matías Celedón’s La filial: Office Writing

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Marcela Labraña Cortés


This article, fundamentally, investigates the possible links that may be established between material conditions and scriptural procedures of La filial by Matías Celedón and the concept of «Death of the Author»(1968) by Roland Barthes. It also reviews the bureaucratic and oppressive structure and atmosphere of the office in which the plot takes place, proposing a comparison with two classic works on the subject: Bartleby the Scrivener (1853) and Bouvard and Pécuchet (1880). Finally, it is alludes to references of experimental poetry such as Martín Gubbins, Guillermo Deisler, Elsa Werth y  Sergio Chejfec, among others, with the aim of outlining a kind of «Office Writing» that transcends the usual differences between the narrative and poetic genres.

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