A generative design-to-BIM workflow for minimum weight plane truss design


  • Berk Malgit Arup Netherlands, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
  • Umit Isikdag Department of Informatics, MSGSÜ, İstanbul (Turkey)
  • Gebrail Bekdaş Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa (Turkey)
  • Melda Yucel Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa (Turkey)




Structural design has a significant impact on the overall cost of truss structures. In order to reduce the cost of a structure it is important to support designers' decision making starting from the early design phase. In this study, an optimization workflow is proposed, developed and implemented using well known generative design and Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools to achieve a cost-optimal design of a truss structure in the early design phase. Generative design aims to develop products that are lighter, stronger, more efficient and tailored to the specific needs of end users. Generative design tools allow users to create efficient designs via optimizing factors such as cost, weight, energy efficiency and performance. The aim of this study was to develop an optimization workflow to find and model the minimum weight / minimum cost design alternative in the early design phase using generative design, structural analysis and BIM tools in an integrated manner. The goal for the optimization was determined as finding the minimum weight (thus minimum cost) structure among the generated design alternatives. The single span steel truss was selected as the structure to be optimized, and optimization scenarios were prepared and implemented to determine the structural components of the truss with minimum weight. The results demonstrated that through integrated use of structural analysis, generative design and BIM tools minimum-weight truss design can be realized easily and practically.



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How to Cite

Malgit, B., Isikdag, U. ., Bekdaş, G., & Yucel, M. (2022). A generative design-to-BIM workflow for minimum weight plane truss design. Revista De La Construcción. Journal of Construction, 21(2), 473–492. https://doi.org/10.7764/RDLC.21.2.473