Effect of outrigger system in high-rise buildings on structural behavior and cost


  • Yenal Takva Department of Architecture, Gazi University, Ankara (Türkiye)
  • Çağatay Takva Department of Architecture, Atatürk University, Erzurum (Türkiye)
  • Zeynep Yeşim İlerisoy Department of Architecture, Gazi University, Ankara (Türkiye)




High-rise building, outrigger system, structural design, frame, cost.


Due to the advantages it provides, the outrigger system is widely used as a load-bearing system element in high-rise buildings around the world. In this study, the design parameters and structure morphology of high-rise buildings were examined, and it was aimed to investigate the performance and cost effects of load-bearing system preferences by designing two types of high-rise buildings in line with the obtained data. The Sta4Cad program, in which the finite element model is applied, was used to perform integrated static, earthquake, and wind analyses of multi-storey reinforced concrete structures. Because of the finite element analysis of the models, when the construction costs were examined, it was found that the outrigger system has a cost rate of 7.2% lower than the frame system. Considering the design trends, the study will create a focal point for researchers and designers and contribute to significant resource savings.



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How to Cite

Takva, Y., Takva, Çağatay, & İlerisoy, Z. Y. . (2023). Effect of outrigger system in high-rise buildings on structural behavior and cost. Revista De La Construcción. Journal of Construction, 22(2), 337–347. https://doi.org/10.7764/RDLC.22.2.337