Spatial structure of residential mobility in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de (Chile). 2012 2017


  • Severino Escolano Utrilla Severino Escolano Utrilla Departamento de Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio, Universidad de Zaragoza (España)
  • Jorge Ortiz Véliz Jorge Ortiz Véliz Departamento de Geografía. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Universidad de Chile, Chile
  • Rodrigo Moreno Mora Rodrigo Moreno Mora Departamento de Geografía. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Universidad de Chile, Chile.



Intraurban residential mobility; geo-spatial networks, neighbourhood, metropolitan regions, Santiago (Chile)


Most empirical research on spatial patterns of intra-urban residential mobility has been based on the study of the inflow and outflow recorded in various spatial units. This approach does not allow for the definition of migratory areas by the origin, destination and intensity of residential mobility. Here the spatial types and structure of residential mobility in the communes of the Santiago Metropolitan Region (RMS) are studied using individual data on changes of residence between communes. Combining the application of spatial analysis methods and the analysis of geosocial networks has demonstrated: a) the complex and fairly well-integrated nature of the network of residential movements; b) the major influence of geographical proximity on changes of residence; and c) notable territorial differences in the effects of changes of residence on socio-spatial diversification. As a whole, the functional and spatial structure of residential mobility is consistent with the processes of expansion and physical, social and functional fragmentation of the RMS.



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How to Cite

Severino Escolano Utrilla, S. E. U., Jorge Ortiz Véliz, J. O. V., & Rodrigo Moreno Mora, R. M. M. (2020). Spatial structure of residential mobility in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de (Chile). 2012 2017. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (77), 313–337.


