Religious Education in the Brazilian Democratic Rule of Law


  • Márcio Eduardo Senra Nogueira Pedrosa Morais Universidade de Itaúna - PPGD em Direito



Brazil, democracy, education, secularism, religious freedom


Objective, through this bibliographical, documentary, and jurisprudential research, the aim is to discuss religious education in Brazil, focusing on the 1988 constitutional text. This includes consideration of the Brazilian constitutional trajectory, as well as Article 11 of the Agreement between the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Holy See on the Legal Status of the Catholic Church in Brazil, signed on November 13, 2008. The Supreme Federal Court's 2017 ruling on the matter is also discussed. The research problem is related to the institutionalization of religious education in the context of a secular state. The hypothesis is that there is a conflict between the model adopted in Brazil and the secular principle, a conclusion supported by the study.

