Designed from a resilient approach to water-based natural disaster in the estuary of the thames river, through adaptive and flexibles shorelines


  • Dicson Sebastián González Galleguillos Académico de Departamento, Escuela de Arquitectura. Universidad de La Serena, Chile.



Urban design, resilience, natural disasters, coastal zones


Climate change is causing sea level rise; hurricanes and torrential rains are becoming more frequent. At the same time, the coastal cities have become dense areas due to worldwide migration. As a consequence, the lower parts of the cities have become more prone to flooding and the communities have become more vulnerable to natural disasters. The big coastal cities are investing in huge and expensive infrastructure to defend their coasts, but what about the people who are exposed behind these defences? Or what happens with poor countries?.

This research seeks to transform the concept of ‘resilience’ into an applicable tool in urban design, which will help designers to create coasts to be more adaptable and flexible.

For this, the literature will be revised, creating an analytical framework. Afterwards, this framework will be applied to case studies in order to establish a toolkit or a set of design principles, which will be tested in an exploration site. This site is thamesmead, where a resilient design proposal will be developed through five key interventions. Finally, conclusions will be reached regarding the applicability of the concept of 'resilience’.


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How to Cite

González Galleguillos, D. S. (2024). Designed from a resilient approach to water-based natural disaster in the estuary of the thames river, through adaptive and flexibles shorelines. Revista Planeo, (54).



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