A Poet of the Arcadia in the Lands of Mars: Juvencio Valle, Correspondent in the Spanish Civil War

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Jesús Cano Reyes


In 1938, poet Juvencio Valle arrived in Spain as a war correspondent from where he sent various chronicles to the magazine Ercilla. Despite these texts containing common characteristics of the genre they illustrate their uniqueness. In this article I first explore the journey that took Valle from southern Chile to a Spain in flames. I then delve into a textual analysis of the chronicles, highlighting their distinctiveness by demonstrating how the outlook of a poet accustomed to peaceful contemplation and Nature was affected by war. Ultimately I examine the way in which the poet´s literary project was influenced by the conflict


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Author Biography

Jesús Cano Reyes, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)

Universidad Complutense de Madrid