Roberto Juarroz and Jaime Sabines from the autobiographical reflection: a double path for the poetic language

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Paola Cadena Pardo


This article establishes a comparative study between the poetic work by Roberto Juarroz and Jaime Sabines. I used the concepts of “verticality” and “horizontality” respectively, posing them as “essential marks” that outline the writing process in each poet. These concepts are defined by the analysis of the relation between the time conception that governs the writing and the interaction between the poetic subject and the external reality in each case. For this matter, theorist and philosophers such as Gaston Bachelard, Henri Bergson, James Olney and Maria Teresa Bertelloni are brought up to discussion.


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Author Biography

Paola Cadena Pardo, College of the Holy Cross (Estados Unidos)

College of the Holy Cross, Massachusetts