Performatic Visibilization in Metales Pesados by Yanko González

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Martina Bortignon


In this essay, I address Metales Pesados (1995) by the Chilean poet Yanko González in order to study it as an aesthetic response to the social imagery on violence, drugs abuse and crime among the marginal youth gangs. This literary work makes visible, through the rhetoric of performance, the cliches that medias produce on this social situation and that social imagery absorbs. Literary analysis will detect this accentuation
of performatic visibility in the following aspects: the identity of the urban tribes, the anthropologist/poet position and the acoustic saturation of the text.


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Martina Bortignon, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia (Italia)

Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia/ Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile