Un relato amnésico sobre la ciudad en Naciste pintada (1999) de Carmen Berenguer

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Angélica Franken


The present analysis focuses on Carmen Berenguer’s work of the year 1999, NacistePintada. The first one of the three houses/imaginaries that the author develops in her poetic prose is “Casa cotidiana”. Situated on PlazaItalia, this house is the place where the feminine poetic voice is situated. The voice of the poem reads the architecture of the city (buildings, monuments, parks) as the representation of a personal and collective
conflict between what it considers old/historic and new. The conflict arises from the presence of an amnesic account of the city which, at the same time, justifies the entrance of new social characters –such as the fool– to this urban map. Finally, these characters rewrite the story giving it a testimonial approach.


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Author Biography

Angélica Franken, Universidad de Chile

Universidad de Chile