In the Name of Moses. Bosque Quemado of Roberto Brodsky

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Jorge Scherman Filer


The aim of this paper is to analyze and reflect in four ambits regarding the way in which Bosque quemado represent the filial relation between Moses and his son, the storyteller and main character. That is, his role as exemplar son; his closeness, along with is father, with the Jewish people, particularly the figure of the Wandering Jew; and the generational breaks due to the Chilean coup de état in 1973. Finally, to study how this text is related through travestied quotations to canonical books of Shakespeare, Flaubert, García Lorca and Kafka. The synthetic conclusion of the analysis is that Bosque quemado come up to an invert ion of Kafka’s Carta al padre. A vindication of the father instead of a filial complains. An act post mortem of redemption, in the name of Moses.


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Author Biography

Jorge Scherman Filer, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile