Repositioning the exposed people: Jaime Huenún's Reducciones as an archive of perceptions

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Martina Bortignon


This article puts forward a reading of Reducciones (2012) by Jaime Huenún as an archive of perceptions where Huilliche history and culture finds its place, in a global context in which indigenous peoples are exposed to an ambiguous (dis)appearence. In the poem-archive, the reader enters the experiential contexts represented in poetry and is engaged in a sensitive hearing of the voice of the victims of occidental cruelty. Taking on Aburto Pangulef's legacy, Huenún puts together a living archive of his people's culture, as a base for the future Mapuche Nation and as a net which connects people of different cultures through perceptions. 


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Author Biography

Martina Bortignon, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez