Saying the Interdict: Reflections on Las cartas que no llegaron, by Mauricio Rosencof

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Sérgio Luiz G. Gimenes Romero
Joyce C. Gimenes Romero


This work analyzes Las cartas que no llegaron, by the Uruguayan writer Mauricio Rosencof. The objective is to apprehend the discursive dynamics that the book establishes through the overlapping between memory and identity in the constitution of the subject in the face of the historical catastrophe materialized in genocide, dictatorship, torture and silencing. A manifestly hybrid narrative, in which different genres related to autobiographical and testimonial writing are mixed, the opus articulates, based on the letter as an instrument and symbol of mediation, a dialectic between what is said and what is forbidden, between memory and oblivion, between an irretrievable past and the need to say it even if one resorts to fiction.


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