WOS: Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI)
Modern Language Association MLA
Annals of Chilean Literature welcomes original and unpublished works in Spanish from national or foreign researchers. Only works that address literature in its different genres or in multidisciplinary proposals are published, always within the scope of Chilean literature.
Annals of Chilean Literature includes seven different sections for which only unpublished contributions are accepted, which are not awaiting acceptance in any other publication. To send their proposal, it is essential that authors register as users of the journal. Once registered, they will be able to use their username and password to access the submission platform, where they will find a detailed guide to complete the process.
The sections of the magazine are as follows:
To submit manuscripts, authors must first register on the journal's website " Register ". Once registered, they must log in with their username and password via the " Login " section and submit following the instructions (check the checklist and attach the document in Microsoft Word ( doc )).
It is important that documents are sent without the name of the author or affiliation, since, for the purposes of peer review, both authors and evaluators must remain anonymous. Any marks within the text that reveal the identity of the author must be removed and notified to the journal in the comments when registering your submission.
In a separate file, authors must indicate their nationality, the name of the institution to which they belong and the country of this institution, and their email address, data that will be published in the case of accepted articles. In addition, authors must include their ORCID among their personal data.
All collaborations must meet the following characteristics:
Articles (including miscellaneous and dossier)
The journal Anales de Literatura Chilena uses the ninth edition of the MLA manual for references and citations. All works must comply with the following citation standards to be submitted to the evaluation process:
Intratextual citations
Intratextual citations are presented as follows:
In the following fragment Descartes tells us that:
I continued to practice the method he had prescribed for me, since, apart from the care I took to generally conduct all my thoughts according to the rules, I reserved, from time to time, a few hours for practicing them, particularly in mathematical difficulties or also in some others which I could make almost similar to those of mathematics. (64 – 65)
I continued to practice the method he had prescribed for me, since, apart from the care I took to generally conduct all my thoughts according to the rules, I reserved, from time to time, a few hours to practice them, particularly in mathematical difficulties or also in some others that I could make almost similar to those of mathematics. (Descartes 64 – 65)
List of references
References should be included at the end of the text with the subtitle BIBLIOGRAPHY. Only the texts cited in the article, note or review should be included, arranged alphabetically and with a 2.5 cm French indent. Below are some formats for citing different types of works.
Diaz Arrieta, Hernan. The four greats of Chilean literature during the twentieth century: Augusto D'Halmar , Pedro Prado, Gabriela Mistral, Pablo Neruda . Zig-Zag , 1962.
Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia . Pre-texts , 2020.
Borges, Jorge Luis, Adolfo Bioy Casares and Silvina Ocampo. Anthology of fantastic literature . Edhasa , 2018.
Romera Castillo, José, Alicia Yllera and Mario García-Page, editors. Semiotics(ies): Tribute to Greimas . Visor, 1994.
- If an author is cited in a book whose editor, compiler, or translator is important, the following must be included after the title of the book:
Columbus, Christopher. Complete texts and documents . Edited by Consuelo Varela. Alianza University, 1984.
Literature of ancient Mexico: texts in the Nahuatl language . Edition, introductory studies and versions of texts by Miguel León-Portilla . Ayacucho Library, 1978
Martín Barbero, Jesús. From the media to mediations. Communication, culture and hegemony . 1987. G. Gili Editions, 1991.
Parts or chapters of books
Goic, Cedomil . “The Colonial Hispanic-American Novel”. History of Hispanic-American Literature . Volume I. Colonial Period. Edited by Luis Iñigo-Madrigal. Cátedra Editions, 1982, pp. 369-406.
Journal articles
Adorno, Rolena . “The colonial subject and the construction of otherness”. Latin American Journal of Literary Criticism , vol. 28, 1988, pp. 55-68. Concha, Jaime. “
Hispanic-American colonial literature : Problems and hypotheses”. Neohelicón , vol. 4, no. 1-2, 1976, pp. 31-50.
Véliz, Mariano. “Cinematographic portraits of Salvador Allende: tensions between times, voices and images”. Aisthesis , no. 74, 2023, pp. 149-170. Doi : https://doi.org/10.7764/Aisth.74.8
- Author's last name, first name. “Title of the article”. Name of the newspaper (italics) . Date (day, month, year), section, page.
Cabrujas , José Ignacio. “With a real and a half”. National . Nov. 16, 1990, C-7.
Collins, Glen. “ Single - Father Survey Finds “Adjustment to a Problem .” New York Times . Nov. 21 , 1983, late ed.: B-17.
Online newspaper or magazine article
Bruna, Roberto. “The cultural deficit of the imminent digital television law”. El Mostrador , 14 Oct. 2013, http://www.elmostrador.cl/cultura/2013/10/14/el-deficit-cultural-de-la-inminente-ley-de-television-digital/
Aldunate, Carlos. “Literary criticism in Chile: how and for whom it is written in the press”. Thesis for the degree of Master in Literature. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, 1993.
Conferences, congresses or meetings
Zapata, Manuel. “The Blackness in García Márquez”. XX National Congress of Literature, Linguistics and Semiotics: “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, thirty years later . Santa Fe de Bogotá, October 29-31, 1997. Santa Fe de Bogotá, National University of Colombia, 1998, pp. 107-112.
Miranda, Paula. “Gabriela Mistral and Violeta Parra: Voices of Chilean Identity”. Humanities Library of the Catholic University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, 12 Sept. 2012.