Publication Guidelines

Annals of Chilean Literature welcomes original and unpublished works in Spanish from national or foreign researchers. Only works that address literature in its different genres or in multidisciplinary proposals are published, always within the scope of Chilean literature.

Annals of Chilean Literature includes seven different sections for which only unpublished contributions are accepted, which are not awaiting acceptance in any other publication. To send their proposal, it is essential that authors register as users of the journal. Once registered, they will be able to use their username and password to access the submission platform, where they will find a detailed guide to complete the process.

The sections of the magazine are as follows:

  • ARTICLES: These are interpretative texts that include the formulation of a reading hypothesis based on literary texts and documents, and at the same time consider a bibliographic corpus for style and interpretation, which must be specified at the end of the text. The articles must address themes, works and/or authors from the field of Chilean literature. Works that establish relationships between themes of Chilean literature and other literary traditions will be considered.


  • DOSSIERS: a set of texts on a specific topic (on works and authors, approaches to particular subjects and perspectives) related to the field of Chilean literature. Each dossier will be requested by the Management and Editorial Committee of the journal to a specialist in the subject, who will coordinate it. The contributions that make up the dossier must respect the formal guidelines of the articles section.


  • NOTES : These are descriptive texts about a work, book or article, followed by an evaluation that measures its interest or originality. Shorter than articles, their purpose is to provide information related to the subject matter, without excluding value judgments. If this has not been previously stated, information about the author and his work in the genre in question will be included.


  • DOCUMENTS: These are texts that record some of the relevant cultural events of the past and present, always in a field that alludes to Chilean literature directly or indirectly. It includes the recovery of manuscripts, speeches, memoirs, letters, presentations, master classes, exhibitions, etc. This section includes a section on Recovered Texts, which seeks to recover pages of historical value and limited editorial circulation.


  • INTERVIEWS: dialogue with cultural actors, which give an account of the production, circulation and reception of literary and social discourses in the field of Chilean letters.


  • CREATION: These are unpublished literary texts by Chilean authors in their various genres. The writers will be invited by the management of the magazine.


  • REVIEWS: are evaluative texts of new publications in the Chilean literary field in all literary genres. They must include the complete bibliographical information (title, author, city, publisher, year and number of pages).





To submit manuscripts, authors must first register on the journal's website " Register ". Once registered, they must log in with their username and password via the " Login " section and submit following the instructions (check the checklist and attach the document in Microsoft Word ( doc )).
It is important that documents are sent without the name of the author or affiliation, since, for the purposes of peer review, both authors and evaluators must remain anonymous. Any marks within the text that reveal the identity of the author must be removed and notified to the journal in the comments when registering your submission.

In a separate file, authors must indicate their nationality, the name of the institution to which they belong and the country of this institution, and their email address, data that will be published in the case of accepted articles. In addition, authors must include their ORCID among their personal data.



All collaborations must meet the following characteristics:

  • Submit in a Microsoft Word file, with 12-point Times New Roman font and one and a half spacing (1.5 line spacing).
  • Comply with MLA format specifications (9th edition).
  • The beginning of each paragraph must be indented, so there should be no space or blank line between paragraphs.
  • If subtitles are included, they should be in capital letters and preferably not numbered.
  • If images are included, they must be referenced in the text as a figure (Fig. 1), with the corresponding numbering. Images must be included in the body of the text. Captions are also required for each image.
  • Pages should not be numbered.
  • Captions should be aligned to the right, with font size 10, and enclosed in quotation marks.
  • Notes should be placed at the bottom of each page, not at the end, using the same font in size 10 and single spacing.
  • Italics should be used for titles of novels, poetry collections, anthologies, paintings, films, photography books, painting books, sculpture books, magazines and newspapers. Italics should also be used for words not native to Spanish (for example: continuum , lapsus , ergo , reality ).


Articles (including miscellaneous and dossier)

  • Articles must have a main title in both Spanish and English. The main title of the article must be in capital letters, in Times New Roman font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing and centered. The title in English must be in capital letters and italics, in Times New Roman font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing and centered.
  • Each article must include a summary/ abstract (between 100 and 400 words) and between three and five keywords/ key words. words , all in both languages.
  • The research context in which the article is inserted must be specified in a footnote on the first page (if applicable: title of the overall project, funding fund, project number, whether it is a thesis fragment, etc.)
  • The length must be between six thousand (6,000) and twelve thousand (12,000) words.
  • Author identification information should not be included in the manuscript to ensure anonymity. Author data should be sent in a separate document and should include: name and surname, institutional affiliation, email and ORCID. Failure to follow this instruction could result in the rejection of the article at the initial evaluation stage.
  • If the text contains self-references, these must be crossed out (XXXX 45), and in case of acceptance, the information will be completed at the correction stage.
  • A BIBLIOGRAPHY must be included at the end of the articles, including bibliographical references, adhering to the citation standards of the MLA Handbook. for Research Papers .



  • Notes must include a main title that must be capitalized, in Times New Roman font size 12, 1.5 line spacing and centered.
  • The length must be between three thousand (3,000) and six thousand (6,000) words.
  • A BIBLIOGRAPHY must be included at the end of the notes, listing the bibliographical references, adhering to the citation standards of the MLA Handbook. for Research Papers .



  • The documents must be accompanied by a presentation text, in which the collaborator presents the proposed document, highlighting the relevance of its rescue and its value in the field of Chilean literature. The length of this text must not exceed four thousand (4,000) words.
  • The presentation text of the documents must include a main title that must be in capital letters, in Times New Roman font size 12, 1.5 line spacing and centered.
  • Documents that include images of manuscripts should be included as supplementary files, and in the highest possible resolution. The .ZIP format should be used to attach the images (compressed folder).



  • The length of the interview must be between six thousand (6,000) and twelve thousand (12,000) words.
  • The text must contain the details of the authors and the person interviewed.
  • Interviews must include a presentation text written by the author , contextualizing its content and highlighting its contribution to the field of Chilean literature.
  • The interview presentation text must include a main title that must be in capital letters, in Times New Roman font size 12, 1.5 line spacing and centered.



  • Its length must not exceed 2,000 words.
  • Reviews must be for works published within the last two years at most.
  • The review must contain at the beginning the bibliographical information of the book reviewed: name of the author of the book; full title of the book (in small capitals); place of publication; publisher; year of publication; and number of pages in the book.
  • Reviews must include the name of the author and his/her academic affiliation at the end of the text.



The journal Anales de Literatura Chilena uses the ninth edition of the MLA manual for references and citations. All works must comply with the following citation standards to be submitted to the evaluation process:


Intratextual citations

Intratextual citations are presented as follows:

  • For direct quotes of less than 4 lines with emphasis on the text, use double quotation marks at the beginning and end of the quote, followed by the author's last name and page number in parentheses, with a period after the parentheses.
  • Example: “My third maxim was always to conquer myself rather than fortune” (Descartes 60).
  • If there are several works by the same author, the title or an abbreviation is added, followed by the page number:
    • Example: (Foucault, Discipline and Punish 26); (Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus 435).
  • For direct quotes of less than 4 lines with emphasis on the author, the author is mentioned at the beginning of the quote, then the quote with double quotation marks at the beginning and end, followed by the page number in parentheses and a period after the parentheses.
    • Example: As Descartes mentions, “My third maxim was always to conquer myself rather than fortune” (60).
  • For textual quotes of more than 4 lines with emphasis on the author, the author becomes part of the text of the article, the quote must follow without quotation marks and with 1.25 cm indentation, and then only the page number/s is recorded in parentheses at the end of the quote, with a period before the parentheses.
    • Example:

In the following fragment Descartes tells us that:

I continued to practice the method he had prescribed for me, since, apart from the care I took to generally conduct all my thoughts according to the rules, I reserved, from time to time, a few hours for practicing them, particularly in mathematical difficulties or also in some others which I could make almost similar to those of mathematics. (64 – 65)

  • For direct quotes of more than 4 lines with emphasis on the text, the quote must be without quotation marks and indented by 1.25 cm, followed by the author's last name and the page number(s) in parentheses, and a period before the parentheses.
  • Example:

I continued to practice the method he had prescribed for me, since, apart from the care I took to generally conduct all my thoughts according to the rules, I reserved, from time to time, a few hours to practice them, particularly in mathematical difficulties or also in some others that I could make almost similar to those of mathematics. (Descartes 64 – 65)

  • For works with more than three authors, the first surname is cited followed by "et al.".
  • For authors with the same last name, the initial of the first name is added.
  • For indirect citations, include “cit. in” or “cited in.”


List of references

References should be included at the end of the text with the subtitle BIBLIOGRAPHY. Only the texts cited in the article, note or review should be included, arranged alphabetically and with a 2.5 cm French indent. Below are some formats for citing different types of works.


  • An author
    - Last name (comma), followed by First name (period). Full title of the book in italics ; if it includes a subtitle, this goes after a colon. Name of publisher (add only the name and not the word publisher; if there is no publisher, write [sn] from the Latin sine nomine), followed by a comma, year of publication (period):

Diaz Arrieta, Hernan. The four greats of Chilean literature during the twentieth century: Augusto D'Halmar , Pedro Prado, Gabriela Mistral, Pablo Neruda . Zig-Zag , 1962.

  • Two authors
    - Last name (comma), followed by First name of first person in the order of appearance on the title page (“and”) First name followed by Last name of next author. Title in italics followed by period. Publisher followed by comma, year of publication (period at the end):

Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia . Pre-texts , 2020.

  • Three or more authors
    - Last name (comma), followed by First name of first person in order of appearance on title page (comma), First name followed by Last name of next author (comma), First name followed by Last name of next author (period). Title in italics followed by period. Publisher followed by comma, year of publication (period):

Borges, Jorge Luis, Adolfo Bioy Casares and Silvina Ocampo. Anthology of fantastic literature . Edhasa , 2018.

  • An editor as author:
    - If the persons listed on the cover of the cited work correspond to persons in charge of the edition, translation or compilation, put a comma after the last name, followed by: eds., trads . or comps ., as appropriate:

Romera Castillo, José, Alicia Yllera and Mario García-Page, editors. Semiotics(ies): Tribute to Greimas . Visor, 1994.

- If an author is cited in a book whose editor, compiler, or translator is important, the following must be included after the title of the book:

Columbus, Christopher. Complete texts and documents . Edited by Consuelo Varela. Alianza University, 1984.

  • Unknown Author
    - If no author or editor is indicated, the reference must be entered by its title:

Literature of ancient Mexico: texts in the Nahuatl language . Edition, introductory studies and versions of texts by Miguel León-Portilla . Ayacucho Library, 1978

  • If you have the year of the first edition of the book and it is considered appropriate to include it, it should go after the title:

Martín Barbero, Jesús. From the media to mediations. Communication, culture and hegemony . 1987. G. Gili Editions, 1991.

Parts or chapters of books

  • The title of the article must be cited in quotation marks, preceding the title of the book. Cite using the surname of the author of the article being referenced:
    - Author's surname, first name. “Title of the article” (in quotation marks). Name of the book (italics) . Edited by Name of the editor. Publisher, year, pages.

Goic, Cedomil . “The Colonial Hispanic-American Novel”. History of Hispanic-American Literature . Volume I. Colonial Period. Edited by Luis Iñigo-Madrigal. Cátedra Editions, 1982, pp. 369-406.

  • If several articles from the same book are used, all bibliographical data must be included in each of the references, and a bibliographical reference to the entire book must also be included, with the editors or compilers listed at the beginning of the citation. This makes it easier for the reading public to quickly and clearly find the place where the articles and the book were published.

Journal articles

  • The order in which the data should appear is as follows:
    - Author's last name, first name. "Title of the article" (in quotation marks), followed by a period. Name of the journal (italics) , followed by a comma, volume/number (comma), year of publication, pages. In the case of electronic journals, the website or DOI of the publication may be added after the final period.

Adorno, Rolena . “The colonial subject and the construction of otherness”. Latin American Journal of Literary Criticism , vol. 28, 1988, pp. 55-68. Concha, Jaime. “
Hispanic-American colonial literature : Problems and hypotheses”. Neohelicón , vol. 4, no. 1-2, 1976, pp. 31-50.
Véliz, Mariano. “Cinematographic portraits of Salvador Allende: tensions between times, voices and images”. Aisthesis , no. 74, 2023, pp. 149-170. Doi :


  • The order in which the data should appear is as follows:

- Author's last name, first name. “Title of the article”. Name of the newspaper (italics) . Date (day, month, year), section, page.

Cabrujas , José Ignacio. “With a real and a half”. National . Nov. 16, 1990, C-7.

  • Some newspapers contain different information in their different editions. In this case, it is important to specify the edition after the date and preceded by a comma:

Collins, Glen. “ Single - Father Survey Finds “Adjustment to a Problem .” New York Times . Nov. 21 , 1983, late ed.: B-17.

Online newspaper or magazine article

  • Author of the article followed by a period. “Title in quotation marks.” Name of the newspaper in italics . For newspapers in English, omit article. Publication date (if any): day, abbreviated month, year, followed by a comma, web address without endpoint (URL).

Bruna, Roberto. “The cultural deficit of the imminent digital television law”. El Mostrador , 14 Oct. 2013,


  • Author's surname, first name. “Title of the thesis in quotation marks”. Thesis for the degree of [add academic degree]. University where it was completed, year.

Aldunate, Carlos. “Literary criticism in Chile: how and for whom it is written in the press”. Thesis for the degree of Master in Literature. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, 1993.

Conferences, congresses or meetings

  • Document presented at a conference:
    - Author of the presentation. “Title of the presentation in quotation marks”. Title of the conference in italics . Conference information: location (if not mentioned in the title), date, publisher(s). Publication data: location, publisher, year, pages.

Zapata, Manuel. “The Blackness in García Márquez”. XX National Congress of Literature, Linguistics and Semiotics: “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, thirty years later . Santa Fe de Bogotá, October 29-31, 1997. Santa Fe de Bogotá, National University of Colombia, 1998, pp. 107-112.

  • Published conference minutes:
    - Name of the presenter. “Title of presentation (if known) in quotation marks.” Name of the conference in italics , if applicable. Name of the sponsoring organization, if applicable, followed by a comma and place, day, abbreviated month, year.

Miranda, Paula. “Gabriela Mistral and Violeta Parra: Voices of Chilean Identity”. Humanities Library of the Catholic University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, 12 Sept. 2012.


  • Publications on websites should be cited according to the type of work they are, following the model of the work in print or other format (book, part of a book, journal article, etc.). In general, they will have an author, title, and publication information. If the name of the institution in charge of the website is available, it should be indicated after the name of the site itself if it is not similar.