An unpublished document of the XVII century: The “Relación sumaria de serviciosˮ by Alonso González de Nájera, Author of “ Desengaño y reparo de la guerra del reino de Chile (1614)ˮ


  • Miguel Donoso Universidad de los Andes (Chile)



Alonso González de Nájera, Relación sumaria de servicios, Desengaño y reparo de la guerra del reino de Chile


This article ofers a transcription of the unpublished document of the seventeenth century: Relación sumaria de los servicios que contienen los papeles del maestre de campo Alonso González de Nájera, which is preserved in the Archivo General de Simancas. This document is of vital importance to know better the igure of this soldier who, after serving during six years in Chile in the War of Arauco, was sent by the Chilean governor as an emissary to Spain with the purpose of requesting help to continue the war in Chile. He subsequently wrote a fundamental text belonging to the early letters of the Kingdom of Chile: Desengaño y reparo de la guerra del reino de Chile (1614). The Relación sumaria, with all the information it provides, allows us to approach the unknown military history of González de Nájera who stood out in the wars of Europe and Chile, not only for his heroic deeds in the war, but also for his knowledge on architecture and military fortiications.


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How to Cite

Miguel Donoso. (2017). An unpublished document of the XVII century: The “Relación sumaria de serviciosˮ by Alonso González de Nájera, Author of “ Desengaño y reparo de la guerra del reino de Chile (1614)ˮ. Anales De Literatura Chilena, (27), 97–120.

