La familia: dimensiones y predicciones de su futuro


  • Clemencia Sarquis Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Changes are taldng place passing from the agricultura/ to the industrial and now to the
informational society inf/uencing the structure and functions of the family. Due to techno/ogica/ advances, economical development, social changes and modernization the famíly is experiencing modificatíons. Naisbitt, Aburdene and Toffler have tried to foretel/ the changes future society will undergo. The current and future trend makes necessary adaptation as information becomes a new form of power that influences the people of the world and their relationship. An analysis is made of those tendencies that wi/1 affect our family and their development. The evolution and future family policies, which will help and permit the family groups to comply whith their functions are suggested

Author Biography

Clemencia Sarquis, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Psicóloga. Profesora Adjunta. Escuela de Psicología, P. Universidad Católica de Chile. Vicuña Mackenna 4860. Santiago,Chile.



How to Cite

Sarquis, C. (1993). La familia: dimensiones y predicciones de su futuro. Psykhe, 2(1). Retrieved from


