Trabajo psicológico en sectores populares


  • María Inés Winkler Universidad de Santiago de Chile


In this article some results of two researches, dealing with the psychological activity in six districs of popular peripheric areas of Santiago de Chile, are presented. The first research describes the work of the psychologists, some difficulties derived from working conditions and their professionalformation, as well as the beneficiaries' participation on the programs offered. The second research shows the members of popular areas perception concerning the psychological activities. Both studies were based on interviews and worked out by using a qualitative methodology. Final/y, there is a comparison between perceptions of psychologists and members of popular areas about the psychological activity

Author Biography

María Inés Winkler, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Psicóloga, postitulada en Imaginería Afectiva Guiada. Profosorn .de las Escuelas. de Psicología de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile y de la Universidad Católica de Chile. Dirección: Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Santiago,Chile.

Constituye una refonnulación del trabajo" Actividad Psicológica en Sectores Populares: Resultados de Investigaciones Exploratorias", presentado durante el XXII Congreso Interamericano de Psicología en Buenos Aires, Argentina (1989), en el simposio "El porvenir de la Psicoterapia en América Latina", coordinado por Héctor Femández Alvarez



How to Cite

Winkler, M. I. (1993). Trabajo psicológico en sectores populares. Psykhe, 2(1). Retrieved from


