¿Redemocratización tambén en las mentes? Un estudio longitudinal sobre el cambio de régimen político en Chile


  • Damian Läge lnstítut der Universitat Zürich (Suiza)


The subjective representation of Chile's political landscape during the period of redemocratization (1989-1992) is arwlyzed applying the political maps model. Using the metliod of hierarchical classification, subjective similarities between Chilean parties and politicians can be revealed, which tlzen can be translated into geometric structures.by means of Nomnetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDsr It becomes evident that, within the
dichotomy of two large political blocks in 1989, a differentiated image of the new democratic government has emerged from an old opposition lacking subjective structural characteristics.

Author Biography

Damian Läge, lnstítut der Universitat Zürich (Suiza)

Psíco1ogo (Ph. D.). Profesor del Psychologisches



How to Cite

Läge, D. (1995). ¿Redemocratización tambén en las mentes? Un estudio longitudinal sobre el cambio de régimen político en Chile. Psykhe, 4(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.uc.cl/index.php/psykhe/article/view/20263


