La vida como acontecimiento sapiencial: devoción, gratitud y buen vivir. Entrevista al filósofo chileno Gastón Soublette Asmussen.

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Rodolfo Marcone-Lo Presti


Gaston Soublette's fascinating intellectual and spiritual life has made him a renowned philosopher in Chile. Today, at the age of 97, this musicologist, aesthete and expert in Eastern philosophy and Christian theology, is one of the most important references in the current Chilean intellectual scene.

This interview explored the various facets of his life, the beginning of his teaching and academic activity, and his existential motivations that led him to explore the themes of his research. Such as traditional indigenous culture, folklore, music, theology and oriental spiritualities. With more than a dozen books published, Soublette has left a deep impression on his hundreds of students.

During the interview, Soublette shared his experiences and learnings over the years. He stressed the importance of traditional indigenous culture and its value to contemporary society. He explained how these ancestral cultures can offer a deep and meaningful vision of human existence, encouraging greater respect for nature and a deeper connection to our human diversity.

The role of spirituality featured prominently in the conversation. Soublette highlighted the importance of preserving these spiritual expressions as a way of keeping alive the identity and history of a people. He also pointed out how the spiritual quest can be a powerful tool for personal transformation and the awakening of knowledge, beyond academicism.


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