Las tecnologías socioculturales en los procesos de innovación de los migrantes de amenidad y por estilos de vida. El caso del destino turístico de Pucón, Chile


  • Adriana María Otero Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina)
  • Hugo Marcelo Zunino Universidad de La Frontera (Chile)
  • Mariana Rodríguez Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina)



Sociocultural technologies, amenity migration, lifestyle migration, Pucón


Many mountain destinations receive the contribution of migrants from diverse cultures that generate enterprises and innovations. In general the literature has focused on analyzing social technologies present in process of innovation from the perspective of economic development, leaving aside the social and cultural benefits they entail for their communities. The objective of this paper is to understand the sociocultural technologies of amenity and lifestyle migrants in Pucón and investigate to what extent they contribute to a sustained process of innovation in cultural exchanges between migrants and the inhabitants of the host communities. We deploy a qualitative and exploratory methodology based on 12 in-depth interviews conducted with 12 individuals recently settled in the area and that have initiate processes of innovation. We argue that the sociocultural technologies deployed by the lifestyle migrants show the relevance of considering the contextual mode to comprehend the forms that the process of innovation acquir


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Author Biographies

Adriana María Otero, Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina)

CEPLADES-Turismo, Facultad de Turismo. Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina)

Hugo Marcelo Zunino, Universidad de La Frontera (Chile)

Núcleo de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de La Frontera (Chile).

Mariana Rodríguez, Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina)

CEPLADES-Turismo, Facultad de Turismo. Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina).


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How to Cite

Otero, A. M., Zunino, H. M., & Rodríguez, M. (2020). Las tecnologías socioculturales en los procesos de innovación de los migrantes de amenidad y por estilos de vida. El caso del destino turístico de Pucón, Chile. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (67), 211–233.


