Recent Geomorphologic Transformations and Degradation of the Ritoque Dunes


  • Consuelo Castro Avaria Instituto de Geografía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Geomorfología, Geografía física, Dunas de Ritoque, campo dunario


Between the years 1955 and 1987, in the dunes of Ritoque some geomorphological changes are detected, linked mainly to the man's impact in the natural processes of landscape evolution. These changes ocurred with the artificial construction of the foredunes and the stabilization with vegetation of the active dunes of the northern part of the dune field. In the oldest interior dunes with vegetal cover we can see the quick destruction of this with the development of processes linked to deflation and the action ofrun-off


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How to Cite

Castro Avaria, C. (1987). Recent Geomorphologic Transformations and Degradation of the Ritoque Dunes. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (14), 3–13. Retrieved from


