The Functions of Cartography in Geographic Studies


  • JOSE IGNACIO GONZALEZ LEIVA Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Cartography, geography, spatial analysis


Different sciences dedicated to spatial phenomenon hove found in the use of cartography a useful way to accomplish their obiectives in the different steps of the scientific work. This has been possible because cartography, since a long time, has accumulated a theoretical and instrumental background, wich gives it solid products in topographical and thematic lines. By this mean, the annalist of the space has the possibility of using cartography for different purposes ,that means, different functions; this functions can be of reference or as inventory, of research, of for explanation or correlation. Geography, because of its spatial field, finds in each one of these functions of cartography a vital element, whatever ist orientation is for the solution of a problem.


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How to Cite

GONZALEZ LEIVA, J. I. (1986). The Functions of Cartography in Geographic Studies. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (13), 21–27. Retrieved from


