Alexander von Humboldt's teachings and relevance


  • RICARDO RIESCO J Universidad de Chile


holistic description, the Dynamic Principle and the Compensation one, ecosistemic analysis, three-dimensional coordinates of the natural scenario


During his scientific life Humboldt always searched for clearly distinguish the difference between a pure description of Nature and its true History. His universal idea was that of the Cosmos. He favored a holistic description of the earth, as nature that works simultaneously in all its structures and functions as a living organism. To understand this dimension was his truly scientific obsession. To achieve this objective, Humboldt developed what he called "Naturgemälde" (Contemplations of Nature), which were supposed to exrpress the complete image of a natural cosmic phenomenon. This vision of nature should be general, grandiose and free; never constrained by pragmatic reasons.

The Dynamic Principle and the Compesation one, are the backbone upon which Humboldt's intellectual and scientific work is based. Alexander Von Humboldt was a century ahead in matters of scientific knowledge of his time. He pointed out the fundaments of what we actually recognize as the Integral Ecosistemic Analysis. This scientist also proposed the existence of a vertical gradation within the geographic landscape, his famous altitudinal belts. At the dawn of the century he established -forever and in absolute terms-, the three-dimensional coordinates of the natural scenario.


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How to Cite

RIESCO J, R. (2021). Alexander von Humboldt’s teachings and relevance. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (32), 107–114. Retrieved from


