Characterization of the glacio-marine sedimentary environment of "Campos de Hielo Sur"


  • MARCO CISTERNAS Universidad de Concepción
  • FELIPE RIOS Universidad de Concepción
  • JOSE STUARDO Universidad de Concepción


fjords, glacial system, sedimentology, spatial distribution


Tlie soft bottoms of the fiord inlets udjacent ro rhe glacial system of "Campos de Hielo Sur" are studied. A sedimentological characterization is mude. resulting in the recognition of the main factors controlling the sedimentary process through the use of textura and grain-size parameters. Based on the spatial drsrribution of these parameters, the fiord inlet system is divided into two energy zones. This energy-based dijferentiation would be mainly determined by the geomorphological characteristics of the area.


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Biografia do Autor

MARCO CISTERNAS, Universidad de Concepción

Centro EULA-Chile, Universidad de Concepción, Chile

FELIPE RIOS, Universidad de Concepción

Depto. de Oceanografla, Universidad de Concepción, Chile

JOSE STUARDO, Universidad de Concepción

Depto. de Oceanografla, Universidad de Concepción, Chile


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Como Citar

CISTERNAS, M. ., RIOS, F., & STUARDO, J. . (2021). Characterization of the glacio-marine sedimentary environment of "Campos de Hielo Sur". Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (24), 143–150. Recuperado de


