(November 2022)

The journal Teología y Vida submits article proposals to a blind evaluation by two academic specialists in their area. The evaluators formulate a recommendation based on three alternatives:

1. The article is publishable in its current form or with few minor corrections. The evaluator is asked to indicate which of the following three possibilities characterize the approved article: a. exceptional article, which is rare; b. very good article with great contributions to scientific knowledge; or c. good article with novel connotations for the subject.

2. Although the article is interesting, it is not publishable in its current form. A new version is needed that includes a series of modifications or improvements. The Editorial Board evaluates whether the eventual new version has integrated the indicated suggestions in an acceptable way. If the suggested modifications are profound, the Editorial Committee may choose to re-evaluate the revised version.

3. Publication rejected.
The evaluators accompany their recommendation with a justification for their decision.
This recommendation is final.

Main evaluation criteria:

a. The correspondence of the article with the theological theme of the journal, which, depending on the case, can be treated in a more systematic, historical, analytical or critical way from an empirical, speculative, philosophical, etc. perspective.

b. The relevance and importance of the topic and the presence of a novel contribution in the article.

c. A good knowledge of the state of the art on the subject.

d. The scientificity of the method and a well-stated hypothesis in the introduction, which is verified through a rigorous demonstration in dialog with the scholars in the area.

e. The literary form of the article, with a solid and coherent structure and a sober and clear style.

f. Finally, errors or omissions and even objections against the author's thesis can be pointed out in the treatment of the subject. Objections, however, are valid only as indications of a possible lack of coherence in the thesis. An article cannot be rejected because the author has a different opinion than the evaluator.